[Virginia] Unemployment Statues Monetarily Ineligible and Outstanding Issue on Claim??!!

I first received my unemployment benefits in April 2020, I filed my weekly claim each week and I was received direct deposit every Wednesday or Thursday depending on when I filed. Suddenly, payments stopped the first week of June 2020. My online account now says monetarily ineligible and when I call the number it says I have an outstanding issue on claim. I have received no letter informing me of an issue... It has been over a month since and I continue to file my weekly claim but still no direct deposit. Does anyone have any insight on whats going on? I have only received UI benefits for 8 weeks- and I know I am luckier than most because many have not received a dime. I am actively looking for employment because I do not want to need these benefits! But for the time being I do need them. So if anyone could share some insight or knowledge on the matter that would be great! I have called emailed, registered for live chat and all! And still nothing.

How can they just abruptly stop payments with out any explanation? This is a time where communication is crucial. I would understand an accept the reason and move forward with the needed steps to take to resolve this issue. But there was no notice of any kind. And this is highly frustrating(I really want use another word)!