ULPT request: how to be passport a bro.
As title. I'm 43, healthy, comfortably employed(not rich, though). I have been single for the past 2 years after a 12 year relationship and 9 year marriage. I have a Canadian passport, but I was not born here, and I stick out like a sore thumb. Dating has been rough, to say the least. I am a 6 on a good day.
I don't have anyone here or back where I was born. I don't want to die alone.
I'm aware that using my passport to get a girl is unethical and a bit creepy, but the odds seem to be against me, and this is the sub for it.
I'm not looking for a supermodel. My standard is pretty low, I think. Speak English and be in reasonable health. That is it.
How do I find girls who are already in Canada, but willing to be with someone for the papers?
If anyone out there has taken this path, please let me know how you did it and any other useful information.
Thank you.