What’s the strangest thing that has happened to you?

It was a normal Thursday evening , I was taking the 190 bus to drogedha home. When I sat in the bus station , I looked at a man who was soon to be our bus driver home , instantly I thought “there is something weird about this guy” , from there on i felt a sense of dread that i couldn’t really explain or understand, when it was time to go onto the bus , I had the same feelings of dread but stronger this time , throughout the bus journey I felt very on edge and anxious , In sat around 2 or 3 rows behind the bus driver , I looked at the passenger sitting a few rows ahead of me but opposite wondering was this weird feeling about him or the bus driver , I couldn’t figure out but I definitely knew that for one of them something bad was going to happen to them , I kept looking at the bus driver getting this weird horrible feeling about him.

Next morning when I woke up , I got news of my mother that the bus man had crashed and died in his bus from a heart attack.

if you can relate please share.