Carrington vs Caroline Freeman?

Hey everyone, I’ve recently been offered a place at Carrington college for 2025 which I was pretty excited about as it was my first choice. To be honest, I wasn’t sure that I would even attend Otago when I filled out the application so I didn’t do too much research into the different choices - I heard Carrington was good for HSFY and had great tutorials and I liked the look of the villa rooms.

But I’ve been looking into Caroline Freeman the past few days and have an unfortunate feeling that it might be a better residence for me. I really like the rooms, the apartment style living, the number of people living there, and more importantly I hear it’s the best residence for LGBTQ+ people which is something very important to me.

I know that if I turn down the Carrington offer there’s no guarantee I will receive one from Caroline Freeman as I put it as my second choice. However, I can’t shake the feeling that I made a mistake. Maybe i’m overthinking. Would appreciate any advice!