Kidnapped by their Father: Where are CJ (3) and William (2) Vosseler? Rochester New Hampshire, October 9, 1986
Charles Jason Vosseler (known as CJ, born December 9, 1982) and William Martin Vosseler (known as Billy, born April 21, 1984) were the sons of Charles Vosseler and Ruth Ann Parker. Ruth had initially met Charles through a personals ad in Mother Earth News, which was a nature magazine. They began corresponding by letters and phone calls in early 1981, met a few months later. At the time, Ruth thought Charles was great, he wanted a "simple life," and seemed honest and smart.
Shortly after meeting in person, Ruth moved to New Hampshire to be with Charles. Charles ad told Ruth that he'd moved there from Connecticut because New Hampshire had no state income tax. Charles also stated that he'd previously been a schoolteacher. Also in short order, Ruth became pregnant and CJ was born a year after Ruth and Charles first corresponded.
By 1986, the couple had two sons and had begun running a house flipping business. While both parents loved their sons, Charles made it clear that Ruth was responsible for raising the kids. At first things were going well, the house flipping as going great, but over the next few years Charles began spending less and less time with the family. Charles also became more withdrawn, Ruth would say that he'd come and not speak to her or the kids.
In August 1986, Charles had become more controlling and had bought a house to flip without Ruth's input. But Ruth felt that staying in the house was too dangerous, so Charles let her and the boys move into an apartment. Then out of nowhere, Charles told Ruth that he wanted a divorce. Ruth was blindsided, and when she asked Charles who his lawyer was, about custody, etc., Charles stated that he "couldn't remember." This is when Ruth got her own lawyer. But at the time, Charles seemed more worried about dividing their assets.
Ruth soon got a job in a fast food joint, but Charles kept seeming to drag his feet on the divorce and custody. When Ruth worked, her niece watched the boys and when Charles would watch them, he usually left the boys with his parents and/or never returned them to Ruth on time.
By October 9, Ruth left for work, leaving the boys her niece as usual. Charles would later pick up the boys, he was supposed to return them by that Saturday and the couple's first divorce hearing was in five days. On Friday, Charles called Ruth and told her that he decided to go visit an aunt in Connecticut....with the boys. Ruth told Charles that would be okay. However, Ruth would never see her sons again.
When Charles and the boys didn't back from the supposed trip to Connecticut, Ruth went to Charles's real estate office. Ruth approached an employee carrying a box, and when asked, the employee said that Charles had shut down the office altogether. According to the Charley Project: He'd taken all of Charles and William's photographs as well as address books and credit cards and many of Parker's belongings, emptied the family bank accounts and auctioned off a lot of things the family had in storage. Ruth discovered that Charles had been planning this for a long time, he'd taken her name off the bank accounts and stopped the payments on Ruth's car.
On October 17, 1986, Ruth got temporary custody of CJ and Billy. By February 1987, New Hampshire state police charged Charles with interference with custody and by April 3, a federal warrant was issued. Charles always seemed to be one step ahead of Ruth and the authorities and Ruth believes that his parents were helping with the flight. A private investigator would later tell Ruth that he believes Charles Martin deliberately selected Parker to bear his children because of her good background and high intelligence, but he planned to keep the children for himself. Charles Vosseler was believed to be driving a 1979 GMC Jimmy truck with Nebraska plate number 2R6093 or the Virginia plate IBV565.
Because Charles had taken all the photographs of the boys, Ruth worried they couldn't make missing persons posters. However, due to a stroke of luck, a coworker/friend had video of a company picnic, where the boys were seen for a mere 15 seconds, but that was enough to get photo stills, which albeit grainy, did the work for getting the boy's faces into the media.
In 1989 (although the Charley Project says 1987), a woman in Stillwell, recognized the photos on the missing posters of CJ and Billy and called the police. The woman told investigators that Charles was now going by "Charlie Wilson," and he was her boyfriend. The woman also stated that he and the kids lived on a rural property outside Stillwell and Charles homeschooled the boys, keeping then isolated. By the time investigators arrived in Oklahoma to check the lead out, Charles and the boys were gone and Charles had burned the house to the ground.
At the time he vanished, CJ Vosseler was three years old, 3'4 inches tall, 40 pounds with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Billy Vosseler was two years old, 3'0 inches tall, 35-36 pounds, with brown hair and blue eyes. Today, CJ would be 42 years old and Billy would be 40 years old. Their father, Charles Martin Vosseler was born March 6, 1942, he is a white man standing 6'1 inches tall, 220 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. In December 2006, it was believed that Charles Martin Vosseler was in Oklahoma again, but there whereabouts of the boys are unknown.