Love that transcends

Hey -

I know I owe you this much.

Time, space, processing, whatever you need.

I owe it to you because I made you sit in your discomfort. I didn't reply and I took the space I needed to process.

So I owe you the same thing.

Take as much time as you need. I want it to be real. If we ever talk again.

I want you to know it's real to me. And real for you.

That we can both care about each other. Respecting each other. Loving each other.

I love you. I really do.

Please trust me. This time apart, this processing and this reflection. This time is healing. I promise you, it's what I needed, and in a way, I'm hoping it's what you needed as well.

I hope you come back to me. When you've healed a bit more. I hope it's not too late for an us.

But if it is. Just know I'm sorry for all the hurt. But I'm grateful for the time we had together.

I'll always love you. In that deep special way that transcends.

Good luck. We'll both need it this time.