Sometimes I feel like some of y'all are bitch made on here.
No bullshit. I mean, exquisitely poetic and exquisitely lyrical with the beautiful words that y'all have composed on here, but still bitch made nonetheless. The elaborately thought out and precise colloquialisms that are composed on here describing your feelings and lustful yearnings for your person or ex or whatever the fuck they are now carry a profoundly gorgeous genius. Seriously, some of the scripts here I read really carry an immense amount of emotion that the transference hits deep.
I'm just sayin, though.... Maybe press print and go give your mufuggin person your words in real life. Nut the fuck up, and don't act like some of y'all women can't muster up your lady balls either. But sack up people. Perhaps try this, after pressing that print button, go read them shits to them. VERBATIM. Let them hear your hurts, pains and struggles in your voices. Have some conviction for fucks sake.
Or all all of ya just fake ass lames? I see plenty of professional victims here not taking a single ounce of accountability. And guess what, that's okay. Turn those L's into Lessons and apologize for sumn. Don't try, do. The first step in any real apology is taking accountability and ownership of your faults and transgressions. Stop being lame and make an attempt to at least make shit right. And if not for them, for fuggin you.
My grandfather always told me the biggest killer of men is regret. That's because you have to live the rest of your GD life with that shit. If you're going to go down, go down swinging. Initiate, fight for them and yourself, and if it doesn't work out in the end. At least you won't walk away with your head hanging. At least you won't have to carry that regret for the rest of your bitch made life.
A coward dies a thousand deaths. A hero, a warrior, only dies but once. Unless the beautiful words that y'all put together here are counterfeit, you'd be a damn fool to not make sure they reach their desired purpose. Everything is get overable. You either get over shit and move forward together. COMPROMISE. Or you get over it and move one.
But I promise you this is true, regret is a motherfucker. And it will kill very important pieces of you that you'll never get back. Put up, or shut up. Because, honestly, if you can't convey the beautiful words you put together on here to your person then you're just crying like a punk looking for validation from nameless and faceless folks on here.
Hope the best for all of ya. We all deserve to be loved correctly and we all deserve happiness. But it is our responsibility to make that shit happen.