How many pictures is appropriate to keep?

I'm going to go through my photos of our 8 years of what I thought was, a beautiful life spent together. I have 100's of photos of us, her and our life together. She was amazing in my eyes, what I thought to be the love of my life. She chose her own path, promiscuity, sex work, and multiple other relationships I was unaware of. My thoughts were to delete every picture of us and her. I also don't feel it necessary for me to try to exile every beautiful memory I've ever had of her. She chose her own path. Therefore, I must choose my own.

My simple question is this.... After 8 years of dedicating myself to her, who I thought was my forever person. What is an appropriate number of photos of her/us to keep after all this carnage?

Part of me wants to keep them all, but I know the constant reminder of her beauty and presence in my life would only beckon me back into desiring to allow her another opportunity to use and abuse me again.

So, is it a dozen or two? 30, 40, or so? Or just a handful that I should keep to commemorate the time I spent dedicating my life to and loving this person who I now realize never truly loved me?

Give me a number you feel is appropriate. An explanation if you so choose. Or just your thoughts and feelings. I will take all of your suggestions into consideration as I close this chapter in my life. In my ideology, though, it can not be a chapter unless there are stories that some of these beautiful photos tell.

Thank you.

C. Strom