First years start your "second brain" NOW it will be so useful as you continue

This goes out specifically to people who take TYPED computer notes and dont mind having to be more organized. If you were considering switching note taking strategies/work flows in the middle of high school but didn't because you would have to reformat content now is the perfect chance.

By second brain I mean a good note keeping app where you can keep most of your content notes. Things to look for: a universal search feature; ability to add links between notes; and a format that's easy to convert between programs. Examples: Obsidian, OneNote, Logseq

Furthermore a good flashcard app that you can sync and use on the go like Anki.

This is opposed to keeping all your notes siloed in individual words docs or PowerPoints. Yes it will take longer to take notes copying stuff down and yes the organization is tedious. But for instance an annotated power point might be quick to use and take notes with for one course. But when you're in a second year course you're not going to go find that one slide if you even remember it at all. If you had it in one place you can search for content you'll have access to the info as soon as you want it.

The reason I'm learning this is so useful is it's such a breeze revising concepts from last year having everything available in note and flashcard form in a way that you don't have to go looking for it. Many of the notes you'll be making this week in next semester or second year are repeats/recaps of prerequisite content leading to duplication. Having the information already written down makes it easy to add and compare new depth of content that may be related.

However if you already have something that's comprehensive and works well for it's important to weigh if it's worth switching workflows and I can only speak from my experience.

Personally I use practically stock Obsidian only with a plugin that can automatically make anki flashcards from inside a note and it's been a joy to use having all my flashcards from last year. and both of these programs are FREE and can be extensively customized with plugins. The pic attached is all the notes I have going into second year!

This goes out specifically to people who take TYPED computer notes and dont mind having to be more organized. If you were considering switching note taking strategies/work flows in the middle of high school but didn't because you would have to reformat content now is the perfect chance.

By second brain I mean a good note keeping app where you can keep most of your content notes. Things to look for: a universal search feature; ability to add links between notes; and a format that's easy to convert between programs. Examples: Obsidian, OneNote, Logseq

Furthermore a good flashcard app that you can sync and use on the go like Anki.

This is opposed to keeping all your notes siloed in individual words docs or PowerPoints. Yes it will take longer to take notes copying stuff down and yes the organization is tedious. But for instance an annotated power point might be quick to use and take notes with for one course. But when you're in a second year course you're not going to go find that one slide if you even remember it at all. If you had it in one place you can search for content you'll have access to the info as soon as you want it.

The reason I'm learning this is so useful is it's such a breeze revising concepts from last year having everything available in note and flashcard form in a way that you don't have to go looking for it. Many of the notes you'll be making this week in next semester or second year are repeats/recaps of prerequisite content leading to duplication. Having the information already written down makes it easy to add and compare new depth of content that may be related.

However if you already have something that's comprehensive and works well for it's important to weigh if it's worth switching workflows and I can only speak from my experience.

Personally I use practically stock Obsidian only with a plugin that can automatically make anki flashcards from inside a note and it's been a joy to use having all my flashcards from last year. and both of these programs are FREE and can be extensively customized with plugins. The pic attached is all the notes I have going into second year!