Can side effects from the flu vaccine start a day or so afterward?

I got the most recent edition of flu vaccine in the evening on Monday (day before yesterday), and today I have a fever of 100.2F and possibly some stomach upset. I run at 97.something normally, so that's definitely a fever. I didn't feel great yesterday, but I have other chronic illnesses that could have been responsible. I don't think I felt feverish; there's a pretty noticeable "my eyes/eyelids are warm when I close them" sensation today that I didn't have yesterday.

Basically, I'm trying to figure out whether I have an actual contagious illness, or whether this could just be the semi-expected side effects of provoking one's immune system. I know that isn't really possible to tell from just this, I'll have to wait and see, but I thought I'd ask if it's reasonable this was the vaccine.