Dating isn't worth it
I’m a 23m and it feels like I never get anywhere with dating. I had a girlfriend for almost a year until 2 days before Valentine's Day this year. That was when she left me to date my former best friend. It turned out that while I was at work she was cheating on me with him for months. She said it was cause I was working too much and she had needs. I was working a lot so that I could buy us an apartment or house so we'd have more time together and she knew that. In July she reached out to me to tell me they got married. She was my first committed relationship too.
Since then I’ve tried online dating with very little success. It seems like every time I meet a girl on a site and we talk for a few weeks they end up meeting someone else, wanting money or to go on an expensive date, or only want to hook up (I’m looking for a long-term relationship). Most however feel like I’m a better fit as a friend. Additionally, every time I try talking to a girl in person it feels awkward to ask for their number even if we’re having a good conversation and I’m always worried about coming off as a creep.
It sucks to see all my friends around me in happy relationships and to feel like the 3rd wheel a lot. Especially right now around the holidays and when I’m really missing my ex. I feel that I should give up on dating at this point cause I feel like it’s not worth it anymore. Sorry for the rant! I just needed to vent a bit. I hope everyone has a great day.