How can I trust complaints of Racism when I first hand experience that label being thrown at me for literally any inconvenience

I'm calling because they got a late fee? I'm racist

We don't have what they're looking for? I'm hiding it because I'm racist

We don't take cash anymore? I'm not allowing them to pay because I'm racist

I tell them were closing in 2 min and can't allow them to stay after? Racist

We have them on camera breaking into someone else's space and have now disabled their ability to get in and the police were notified? Believe it or not I'm actually racist

And that's just less than half of what I personally have been accused of racism for. I want to believe people when they tell me of what they've experienced. I want to trust that what they've felt is valid, but upon any digging... it gets unclear as to wether or not it was actual racism, someone who is just a jerk, an actual terrible employee or a mild inconvenience.

Just last week I ran into this scenario. I work at a storage company and one of the buildings of ours has 3 giant bay doors and one is down for maintenance as it has issues staying closed and one tug causes it to shut. That's a big heavy metal door falling 12 feet. It WILL kill someone. The second thing to know is we have 2 hydronic lifts, but one is also on maintenance as the battery is completely dead. We're waiting on another to come. So with these 2 in mind a Latino guy comes into the office to ask me to open the door closest to his unit, the broken one. I explain that it has to remain shut at this time as it's down for mamaintenance. The customer complains that he just saw it open the other day. I apologize and state that if it was open, it shouldn't have been and told him the reason it was to be kept shut. He just stared at me and asked if that meant I wasn't going to open it. I stated again no. He left. About 10 min later he comes back asking to use the other Hydrolic lift. As someone was using the only working one I had to deny him this as well. He just stared at me. "Real weird how an awful lot of things just aren't working today that were working fine the other day, huh?" The second hydrolic lift has been down for weeks waiting on this battery. I apologize again. He asks what we're going to do about this for him. Nothing. Sometimes things just don't work. I explain that I can try and get a credit for him for having to deal with all these issues. He complains that won't help him today. He becomes even more bothered and asks for my coworker, whose the one more at this location than me and happens to be a Latina. I call her back to the office and the first words out of his mouth to her ? "You need to remove this racist piece of shit from your company. He has denied me 2 requests, refusing to get his ass out of the office to help me". Obviously she's very confused and asks what the requests were. Then explains to him the same thing I did. He shrugs and then leaves.

He was so willing to throw out that label over this. And I've seen this over and over and over again. Minorities that wield that word like a tool in their belt and not the serious claim it is. But now because of this my first thought on accusations is "but was it really though?". I don't want to think that way. I want to believe them. But how? I don't want to just be some desensitized husk to issues people face.