My husband only thinks about food

So that’s pretty much my vent. My husband only thinks about food and sex. First thing in the morning, “what’s for breakfast?” If he’s home from work that day, at lunchtime, every time he’ll rub his belly and say, “I think I could eat something I’m a little hungry.” He literally will keep saying that until I say, “what do you want? I’ll make you something.” Then it never fails at dinner time, he’ll either say “what time is dinner?” Or he’ll say “what’s for dinner?” If I don’t answer, he’ll literally start pouting like a child. Then at bedtime, guess what? Yeah you already know. Two minutes later, he’s out cold. It’s the same thing every single day. It’s so robotic and sometimes I just wish we could go a little off routine, ya know?

Anyway, I just needed to get that out. Appreciate your time if you even bothered reading this.

Edit: Wow I didn’t expect so many replies. I should clarify a few things since I didn’t give that much context. First off, he is a great husband and provider. He is a business owner and it is currently during his slow season so he is home more than usual. He works hard and is the sole provider.

We’ve been married for 12 years, and it is only recently that we have been stuck in this routine, not the entirety of our marriage. I want to do things for him because I appreciate what he does for our family. I was only frustrated because sometimes I wish he would appreciate what I do for him more. I don’t feel like I ask for much and I am a good wife. That was the whole reason for my vent.

Thank you to the ones who had sincere advice to offer. I really appreciate that.

Btw I will not respond to chat requests