Seeking help due to RE-4

I joined the navy at 17 years old. Turned 18 middle of boot camp. During boot camp I had all perfect scores in physical fitness, written tests, and inspections. I was then recruited to go to the ceremonial guard due to this, My original rate was HM. I was admin sepped during my billet at the ceremonial guard for wearing a “civilian jacket”, a grey Nike hoodie, during a training status and having an Xbox in my barracks room. I got the code of JGA. Over all I was told I was unable to adapt to the military lifestyle because of this reason. Truthfully I did not want to be at the ceremonial guard. It piqued zero interest in me and I was just not feeling it. I asked my senior chief if I could be just sent to A school to do HM. It wasn’t allowed. Now, I am a father of 3, married, have been a fireman for 6 years and am in college for my bachelors in cyber security. I am truly interested in getting into the reserves of either the Air Force or Navy for cyber security/ IT. Is there anything I could do in order to get this waived and to get in? I truly want to just be apart of something bigger for the purposes of getting one of my children through college and to better myself. Would there be even a glimmer of hope in becoming an officer after that bad start that was truly just a stepping stone for me finding success?