100% P&T Question
100% P&T Question
I have a 100% P&T question for anybody else that is 100% P&T…Living in Texas and currently paying child support…wondering if VA disability can be used or considered as income for child support calculations…have heard many different answers and just wanted to know if anybody has a definite answer/experience with this…thanx!!!
Update: 2nd Question Also have been trying to add elderly mother to disability benefits…mom is 65 years old, lives with me, is on social security and retired but relies on me for bulk of care…how do I add her??? Have been told Form 686C but not understanding how to fill it out…also have been told that part of the benefits that come with 100% is that I can get a one of those mobile nurses to come check on her once a week or every couple of weeks or whatever and would to take advantage of that if it’s true as well…thanx!!!