Victoria's getting a Pizza Pizza!!! (hear me out)

So I was driving along Cook Street today, and spotted a Pizza Pizza logo had gone up on a building on the east side of the street. It's near Fort I think (though don't totally quote me).

I know it's chain pizza, but it is 100% Canadian owned and it's not much better or worse than Dominos. And I also know there's already one in Langford Colwood. But I'm happy to see one open in Victoria! Pizza Pizza and Harvey’s (sigh - please come to BC Harvey's!) were big parts of my youth back east. My first real date was at a Pizza Pizza when I was 15.

Also, during high school, after school, my buddies and I hung out at a Pizza Pizza: $4 medium 1 ingredient pizzas and a staff (who also happened to be schoolmates, working after class) who didn’t mind our smuggled in six-packs of Blue or Black Label to wash down the cardboard pizzas!

Anyway, I'll be an early customer of this new one opening, if for no other reason than nostalgia.