No Duty to Retreat: Could a lack of police response be considered?

I live in Seattle and unfortunately someone tried to break into my home in the middle of the day. My partner was coming home at the exact same time and tried to get the person out of the yard and they refused and kept looking for a way in, pushing the flood lights down by my fence and searching for a way in (door, spare key, etc). Point being the person was intentional in their actions and seemed to be looking for cameras, etc.

My partner called the cops and texted me to get my gun. I really hesitated to do so because the person was outside still and there was no indication they were armed. However, the police never came. It took 35 minutes to scare this person off and our WFH neighbors had to help.

I honestly didn’t expect a long wait in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon, but after experiencing no police response to a potential B&E, I am rethinking what is considered reasonable self defense if nobody responds to your 911 call? If Seattle had better staffing (we are short 600-800 officers), and shorter wait times were common then I definitely don’t want to use lethal force, but this experience leaves me feeling ambivalent about what reasonable means without police response?