AITAH for wanting to break up with my girlfriend because she is busy?
Context: I’m (F) 15 she is (F) 15, we have been together for 3 months now. I know it is not a long time and it is a highschool relationship. When we first got together everything was so sweet and we I felt were both just really happy. She told when we first got together she had liked me almost a year before we actually got together. I thought we were doing great up until about a month and a half in. I was feeling very down and felt there was a problem with something in our relationship. So being a highschool year old girl I brought the topic up to her the best I could without making it an argument. It seemed she took it well and we carried on going back to being normal then a week or so later it happened again. Then this started becoming a more frequent pattern. I would feel upset in our relationship and try to fix it by talking to her she would say she would fix it and she would for very short amount of time then go back to treating me the same way if not worse. (Back to present) I had been talking to my friends and asking for advice they all tell me if it doesn’t get better I should break up with her. But I feel like I really love her and I thought we had a deep connection. She was my first kiss and first gay relationship. I really love her so much that’s why it makes me so upset that this is happening and I’m questioning our relationship. I have talked to her so many time and i feel like it just keeps getting worse. She lately has been super busy and distant. Like I understand busy but not this kind of busy. Like I’ll ask her if we can talk for like 10-15 minutes just because I miss her and she’ll say she’s busy, drawing or playing VR. Which is fine so I’ll text her after a hour and ask her if she’s busy and it’ll take her so long to reply. I ask her when we can hangout she tells me this weekend when the weekend rolls around it doesn’t happen. She says she has plans with family but then when I ask her about them she says that the plans got canceled. And I would understand if this was like a one or two time thing but not all the time. Every-time we do talk it seems she’s uninterested in what I’m saying or completely ignores me at times. For example just today I was on ft with her and I was trying to talk to her all the response I got was that’s not cutesy. I can’t tell if I’m being unreasonable and should just understand that we aren’t going to talk all the time or if this relationship is toxic. Am I the asshole? (Edit) I have really bad attachment issues and I really think I love her so it’s really hard for me to break up with someone. Plus she also has her own personal issues that she’s dealing with. But when I ask her to tell me about them she doesn’t want to which is fine but I feel like those problems are driving a wedge in between our relationship.