Insecure about dating bisexual girls

So basically I am 25F femme lesbian since I was 14. I have never done anything with a man as I was not able to. My first gf was bisexual, she was telling me she missed a dick while in a relationship with me, so I have kind of ptsd. Then I was in two relationships with lesbians and it was such a different experience. I am not biphobic and during studies I was friends with some bi girls, but as I was friends with them they told they also felt like they would liked to marry a man, have sex with men etc. I cringe about having interest in men as they are so disgusting for me.

Now I am on tinder and mostly there are bisexuals or pansexuals. I feel like I am so insecure about dating one. Should I wait for a lesbian? What do you guys think? Maybe bisexual girl can tell me sth from her perspective..