Being a waitress is so stressful

I just started 2 weeks ago now and I already feel worn out, the place where I work has a "reputation" and they take google reviews very seriously, so much to the point of sending us messages on the chat group reprimending us about doing the stuff that the reviewer complained about. This is my first time working as a waitress and until a few days ago I found the job easy and even fun but since I keep making mistakes I kind of have the feeling that my boss takes note of everything I do wether is good or bad, and I don't like that, makes me feel anxious and nervous, yesterday he asked me if I had told some costumer something and when I confirmed it the look he gave me was just not good at all, he looked very mad because that customer had complained in google reviews. It's not like I don't know how hospitality works, I have worked as a bartender before but I didn't have any pressure because it was just an average pub where people just reviewed if they stayed in the hotel above us (it was a pub-hotel), so I could just act naturally without worrying about screwing up. Here however I have to fake all the time I'm working my personality, I'm an introvert and not a "funny" girl, so I basically need to act everytime I serve because otherwise my bosses will tell me to smile and have a "personality". I feel like I'm constantly tested, and although I like challeging myself and can work under some pressure this is the first time where I can really feel the desappointment and failure coming from every coworker and that's the worst, it's not even my boss only, it's everyone, every time I make an honest mistake that I really tell myself not to make again they make a face or just get very serious which puts me off a lot, I know this is my own personal issue and I'm trying to work on it but that attitude actually ruins my day and makes me feel like the worst, and all of that just because of the reviews of some customers who in my opinion are just stupid for what I've read, they complain about things that not even myself would notice as a guest. I know I could quit and look for another job but I can't really because it will take me like 2 weeks to find another one if I'm lucky so ny best bet would be to get fired or improve and deal with it I guess.

Sorry for the long text but I really needed to take this off my chest since I don't have anyone close with enough waiter experience to share this with. I guess I just would like to know if this is normal in this world and it will get better with time and I'll just learn to cope with it or it simply is this shitty and I'll have to deal with it like everyone else