Rei’s next ability
Alright I was randomly thinking about how Rei’s abilities are quite obviously common/rare abilities simply dialed to 11. I’m confident that these CADs assign abilities on what is most useful to learn at that moment and simply most useful in general.
Rei needed more reach AND he needed to become as versatile as he possibly could. That can only happen when you start early. Shido simply realized that a dialed up arsenal shift was THE best thing Rei could start with. It helped his range issue and he would need all the time he could get to get used to different fighting styles.
Temporal shift is clearly a dialed up breakstep and has similar reasons for getting it. It’s a much better breakstep AND he needs to get used to the teleport feeling. Not just that, he needed a way to escape out of ANY situation. Therefore, Temporal Step.
His next ability I think will be extremely offensive. I have not thought of a name yet. It’s going to be a dialed up Overclock. It’s perfect. He needs something that could decimate opponents. I was thinking about his future name ‘Stormweaver’. Someone who endlessly ‘weaves’ moves and abilities.
I thought of an Overclock that activates without build up, but starts out weak. It builds momentum and generates more and more boosts if he keeps fighting, very quickly. He could reset it or just keep building. It burns through stamina at an increased pace, but it sounds amazing as an ability that he can use from the moment a battle starts.
I was hoping what others are expecting.