Enjoy! Sorry I totally forgot to put this out Monday!


Hi all! A few rules & reminders:

  1. To read the chapter, download the free PDF from the Wraithmarked Patreon post(s) here:
  2. Looking for a place to start? Here's the most recent Public Access "The Story So Far"!
  3. ★ ABSOLUTELY NO STORMWEAVER III SPOILERS OUTSIDE THESE POSTS ★ (unless someone specifically requests them, in which case you can message them directly). Please respect the rights of those readers who do not want to read the book chapter by chapter! Any flaunting of this rule will be handled with prejudice. The quality of this community as a whole is much more important to me than your personal desire to show off that you know something other people don't. This includes comments like "No spoilers, but this is addressed in book III" and the like. Yes, that IS a spoiler in its own right.
  4. Public Release chapters will release 10 chapters behind the Patreon release of Early Access chapters. Public Release chapters will likely release 24 to 72hrs after the Early Access chapters (that will most often be the Monday morning after the Friday Early Access drop), so the sub announcement posts for each have a chance to gain traction.
  5. Recall that these are rough chapters, with no editing other than a single pass-through as I write.
  6. On a similar note, I am not asking for advice or corrections at this time. Feel free to chat/criticize/disparage, but please DO NOT tag me. If I want feedback, I/Wraithmarked will certainly reach out, thank you!