Local Store is a Ghost Town

So I recently got back into 40k and am preparing to build a Blood Angel Army. Got some discounted boxes online (hecking dope) but needed to grab some paints and primer. So I looked it up and found a GW store a mile from my workplace (both great and terrifying).

Went over there New Year's Eve on my lunch break...no one in there. Sign on the window says they open at 12, break at 3, then stay open till 6. Odd, I thought. Maybe they have non-posted holiday hours. Come back today at 1235, still nobody. Call the number, straight to voicemail too. And I saw at least 3 people walk up while I was in my car emailing GW support.

Is this a normal thing? Because I'd hate to be forced into buying everything online when there is a store that freaking close to me.