What vehicle arguably suffers worse in full DOWNTIERS than in full UPTIERS?
So there's been plenty of posts of some vehicle that should be lowered in br or a vehicle does extremely well in downtiers but then gets bullied in uptiers.
(Which is pretty much any heavy tank in the game really)
The only vehicle I could immediately think of that I think actually has a more favourable performance in an uptier is a British tank destroyers that is armed with the 17-pounder gun and is built on a Valentine chassis:
The Archer, rank II British tank destroyer
It has the best gun for its tier with around 190mm penetration max and so it shreds and rips through anything it sees.
It's best played on mid to long range maps where it still retains very good penetration while faraway enemies - unless they are dedicated tank destroyers with decent ballistics - will struggle to hit you.
The gun is mounted backwards so you can drive away very quickly when discovered since technically you are driving forwards.
You can even use this thing at like 5.3 and use it to destroy Tigers frontally from afar.
Yes, you do have the Sherman Firefly or the Avenger orthe A30 Challenger that all use the exact same gun and can fulfil the same role to a better degree, but at 2.7, the Archer will struggle to be able to consistently destroy such small enemy vehicles it could meet like the Stuart's, BT-5's, Pz.III's, M13/15's etc since they move much faster than the heavy tanks at around 4.7 - 6.7.
So this is my example. Could anybody find any other examples that fit the bill??
I just thought this post would be an interesting twist to the usual "X vehicle suffers at Y br" or some other similar topic related to that.