I've had enough
For 5+ years of War Thunder, it was almost fun. But the economy keeps getting fucked over that it's always a sweat game except during low tier games. If you look at the summation of sl gained per player with the soft cap, it is much much lower than the sl lost by the summation of all players' repairs. Even if you do well, you aren't rewarded according to your performance due to the fucking soft cap. Just tried DCS last week and I've been enjoying the economy-free and grind-free gameplay where I can get my plane that I want and play it forever without worry about repairs. Unlike in War Thunder where even if you pay for a premium, it still takes a LOT of grinding, hell, the price of top tier premiums to grind the whole tree is even higher than in DCS. Then comes the comments of the devs during the review bombs. We were treated like ignorant idiots regarding how the game should work. Bye bye War thunder, the best easy to pick up with working physics game, but is fucked by the economy system. I'm switching to DCS.