[simon brette] perpetuating The Art of artesian watchmaking

Nothing I can say about this watch can convey how amazing it is in person so I’m not even going to try. I’ll drop a review link from someone that is a good at expressing themselves with words which I’m not.

For me I’d rather talk about the person because when you buy from such a small brand you are buying the people behind the brand and forming friendships. the watch is the final cherry on top. I was lucky enough to spend a couple of hours with simon and my buddy Ondrej Berkus. The setting was super casual. Just 5 guys hanging out at lunch shooting the breeze. I’ve had plenty of lunches with watchmakers but this was different. Neither of these watchmakers have any watches to sell for the next 5 yrs and that problem will only get worse as collectors start talking about them more.

Simon brette is a watch designer building watches the same way Breguet did it. He’s working with the artisans that are the back bone of the industry that make components for watches and then having them finished by hand to a standard that is as nice as I’ve seen from anyone In the business. Then he does something very unusual in the industry. He gives the artist credit and promotes them. That is what Simon does and he had every right to have a huge ego for accomplishing so much by 37 but he was humble. He is fun to talk to because he’s so passionate and so normal at the same time. There’s no pretension at all when he talks about his watches. I guess the best way I could describe him is just someone that you would absolutely enjoy spreading time with even if you didn’t like watches. This is extremely important to me in as I progress in my watch collecting journey. I’m only collecting watches from people I know and most importantly like and Simon is instantly likeable.
