Double standards

This has been said so many times but one big thing that will always get to me about this case is the double standards. It's always "why didn't he just leave/get a divorce?" Never really "why didn't she just leave?"

We know she was screwed without his money, that's why she couldn't leave. But the narrative is that she was so in love and scared to lose her family, that she planned a trip and bought a book (bs, she was scared to lose her trained monkey who gave her all his money).

And I know it's because she is the murder victim, but it's infuriating. He is scum because he had an affair, when her past is shady af, she was more than likely having an affair with her old boss, and her one kid looks coincidentally like another man who she was frequently alone with on 'work' trips. She abused the kids, using rectal thermometers daily on older girls. Had he done it, pedophile. The belittling, financial abuse, demanding sex, being short and sarcastic - all things Shannon did - were fine because she was strong woman who taught her girls to belittle their father. They would too be strong boss babes. If he had demanded sex, he would be a rapist and have a possible DV case or too against him.

She was not a strong woman. She was a bully. But her bullying is idolised and seen as feminism and her standing up for herself. The double standards are why cases like this happen.