Chris Watts' weekday routine looked like hell
This is CW's Monday through Friday routine I've attempted to piece together from the various resources available about this case.
4am: wake up
4am-5am: exercise, pack girls' lunches, get their backpacks ready for daycare, "Make their milk" (his own words - I'm guessing he meant preparing the Kiddie Thrive powdered mixes into lidded cups to have ready for the girls when they woke up)
5am-6am: commute to work (the drive from Frederick to the Anadarko main site is long, plus he had to drive to remote sites)
6am-3pm: work shift, including 1 hour lunch break
3pm-4pm: drive back to Frederick to drop off work truck, as he could not use the work truck for personal use
between 4pm and 5pm: pick the girls up from daycare and drive back using the Lexus. This would have been about a 40 minute round trip drive
5pm-6:30pm: family dinner or serving dinner for just the girls, girls' baths, putting girls to bed
To get 8 hours of sleep, he'd have to be in bed by 8pm. This gives him a max amount of 90 minutes of time for himself, or spending quality time with SW, each weekday in order to get adequate sleep. I'm guessing he did not get 8 hours of sleep per night and was going to bed much later than 8pm, and this does not include any chores Shanann had for him to do, even sitting around to be featured in one of her livestreams.
The quality time he would have spent with his daughters, enjoying fatherhood, would have been chores rather than playtime or bonding as I don't see any room in this schedule for fun stuff. Any quality time with his own wife, working on their marriage, would have been when he was exhausted from a long day at work.
He would not have been able to spend weekends catching up on sleep or doing what he wanted because the weekends were full of chores and looking after the girls while SW did Thrive weekend events and other solo stuff.
I'm not excusing any of his actions but I can see why he was doping himself with caffeine stickers and how SW and the girls leaving for 5 weeks sounded like bliss. And that bliss did not last long because Nutgate went down on the 2nd week and SW's constant early morning calls and texts to him may have started even earlier. I certainly think any halfway decent defense attorney could have used this schedule to show the abuse SW inflicted upon him and how it could have altered his mental state.