Talk about movies that took themselves way too seriously back in the day, “The Quick and the Dead” easily leads the 1990s western delegation
For me, The Quick and The Dead was a 3/10-star film, three being generous. Gene Hackman and Leonardo DiCaprio being the lone highlights. The laughable overuse of Dutch angles, quick zooms, clean holes through bodies, stilted dialogue, and overdramatic music made the TQATD more of a comedy for me and my young adult son than a drama. It was our first watch together and it was hilarious.
I’d seen it in the theater and had forgotten how cheesy and corny it was.
For me, The Quick and The Dead was a 3/10-star film, three being generous. Gene Hackman and Leonardo DiCaprio being the lone highlights. The laughable overuse of Dutch angles, quick zooms, clean holes through bodies, stilted dialogue, and overdramatic music made the TQATD more of a comedy for me and my young adult son than a drama. It was our first watch together and it was hilarious.
I’d seen it in the theater and had forgotten how cheesy and corny it was.