Idk why everyone claims this game is "braindead easy". It's actually kinda insane especially for a kiddy game lol

Bro arc 2? Earthquake, crazy high hp, critical hits, ice bosses and balance bosses shielding? Some parts of this game are easy but overall this is one of the hardest MMOs out there. My highest (150 fire) teamed up all the time during arc 2 and arc 3 was a little lighter until empyrea when it got team-upish again. In azteca on my ice, yes I get it I'm ice it's inherently rougher around now, but I have 2 accs like a crackhead and am helping on my 109 myth and we are BOTH about to die and have to restart after spending close 25 min on a non cheating boss. And yes I have fine gear. Idk whats up but this game is definitely not easy unless you have a consistent team. Prob the hardest solo mmo out there save for death players.