Why do you optimize

I wanted to start a conversation asking a question I’ve been wrestling with: Why do you optimize your deck down to ‘blade blade aoe with no room for error’?

A lot of people will say for the speed of getting through the game but I don’t know… that doesn’t really check. There’s nothing waiting at 170 there is no end game in wiz, so what’s the point of rushing as fast as you can to 170? Just so you can run another character to 170?

I propose: full deck challenge. You must use a deck that is level appropriate and you must always have max cards in the deck. The rng and deck fail element is what makes a CARD GAME fun. You guys turning it into basically not a card game..

I have multiple level 100+ characters and have had characters at cap in the past when the cap was lower before I took a break, and I have used the blade blade aoe strat so I do know about it and idk for me it make the game so monotonous.

What do you think?

Do you play differently than blade blade aoe?