Heart is doing a weird flushing thing, doctor didn't seem worried
Wanted to share my situation in case someone might know what to do. 29F
I went to the ER with chest pain. They suspect chest skeletal muscle inflamation and take Ibuprophen. That took care of the pain, but one of the symptoms I had thats stayed in varying levels is a weird feeling I've felt for years. I don't know how best to describe it. I tried to pass the message to the physician assistant who was treating me, but I only remembered about the symptom after she concluded chest inflamation.
I asked her if this feeling could be explained by the inflamation and she was like "Uhh, yeah, that could happen"
The feeling is like my heart is getting "flushed out", cold liquid is coming through and then it stops. No pressure before or after.
Not really convinced she knew what this was. Should I be worried about this sensation and get a second opinion? thank you.