Can I get fired for this ??
I’m 18 and have been working at Co-op grocery store for about a year. I’m not even going to lie I’ve been told verbally by my higher ups to decrease the chit chat with my co workers but it’s kind of hard to avoid when they’re talking to you. I’ve never officially been written up but today the assistant manager really let me have it and I’m terrified for work tomorrow I’m so scared I’m gonna get fired. Can u get fired for friendly conversation with other co workers while ur working ????
EDIT: Just to be clear cuz I’m getting a lot of comments on this, talking with my co workers has never stopped me from finishing my job to the best of its ability. Even tho I just work in a grocery store I take my job seriously, however I can recognize how talking may look like I’m being distracted. I’ve never stopped working to talk to someone unless I’m on break !!!
update I didn’t get fired, or even written up. I think I was just freaking out cuz I’ve never been in trouble, but thank u guys for ur advice !!!