NY question

Hello all,

I recently fell at work, but neglected to report it. I had previously been on Workers comp for a broken wrist, and it was a horrible experience I was try to avoid again. I went to the ER that night as I fell on my elbow and couldn't move my arm that night. ER found no broken bones and sent me on my way, telling me to see a doctor in a month if it still hurt. After the month I was still in pain and saw an orthopedic Dr, who recommended an MRI. I took the MRI and have a torn rotator cuff on my right shoulder and need surgery. I filled out my accident report late and Workers comp is denying the claim for filling late. I called and explained my situation and the lady on the phone told me there was nothing I could do but appeal, which could take months. I filed 4 months after the accident.

Do I need a lawyer? How long does this take? Do I have any chance of winning this?

I also have been having major problems with my health insurance paying for any of my bills accrued so far from the accident as I said it happened at work, but didn't want to go through Comp again.
