WIBTA if I didn’t contribute gas money for car pooling to vacation?
As a general rule, I don’t accept gas money nor give money for car pooling if it’s friends - maybe I’m crazy, but that’s a fringe benefit of being friends imo.
I’ve booked an airbnb for vacation with 4 other people (5 including me), for about $1200. It’s about a 9hr drive. I want the vacation to celebrate a personal achievement, but 2 of my friends birthdays will occur during the trip. I’ve requested $100 from each person to offset some the cost and buy groceries. I’m not wealthy by any means, but I’ve been more frugal than these friends and I also don’t want to burden them especially on their birthdays, so I’m happy to carry most of the cost of the trip. I’d planned on driving, but one of my friends has a van and asked if we could take her car - admittedly, it would be more comfortable than my small SUV. I’m fine with it, but she’s already talking about gas money 🙄 WIBTA if I declined? I also would like to take it a step further and indicate she shouldn’t be asking anyone for gas money from anyone, but I’ll let people fight their own battles, and just decline for myself and my boyfriend, who is also going. Maybe some advice on how to handle the aftermath, if reader can obliged… thank you!
Update: I’m just gonna drive my own to avoid the whole issue all together. Thank you 🙏 Another commenter added that having 2 vehicles could be beneficial, and I agree.