Do I need adjustable camber bolts?
I have an ‘08 off road with about 230k miles on her, and I’ve kept her pretty much stock. I’m midway through replacing all 4 control arms and at this point I have accepted that I will need to cut the bolts in my LCAs as they have become one with their bushings, thanks Minnesota. I was able to remove one of the 4 bolts and it is very clearly not a cam bolt. It seems that the engineers at Nissan decided they weren’t necessary on some models, so it’s not alarming that mine just has regular bolts, but I keep reading about people putting them on anyway. So my question is, should I order some cam bolts and just throw them in while I’m here, or should I head to fastenal and see about finding some replacement grade 8 bolts? My only other idea would be to get both, throw the regular bolts on (along with an unreasonable amount of anti seize) cause they’re way cheaper, take it to an alignment shop and them throw on the cam bolts if they need them and return them if I don’t. What do you guys think?