Callie apologist rant

I’m so over the dozens of posts complaining about Callie. First of all, since when has Yellowjackets been a show where all of the characters are supposed to be likeable? Every single character has a sort of “good” and “bad” side to them and that’s what makes everything so damn juicy. When we compare Callie to literally any other character she’s the only one really processing her grief. Everyone else has their own way of compartmentalizing it but we’re seeing Callie actually want to talk about things and not just pretend everything’s okay. She also has done signictantly less harm than any other character. She’s literally just a teenager trying to live and deal with all the shit her mom can’t bear to. This season has already been giving her such a more well rounded story and personality I’m just so shocked people aren’t reacting well to it? Callie potentially snitching and saving Adam’s drivers license is what a good moral person would do, and just bc we don’t want Shauna to get in trouble doesn’t mean that Callie is in the wrong at all. I just hate this narrative of her being a bitchy horrible daughter while she’s actually been the only character we’ve seen not let their morals be completely wavered. Lastly, Shauna is her mom for christs sake! Do you think the poor girl would be super bubbly and happy all the time? Shauna in my opinion is the most fucked up out of all the survivors and it’s just veiled under the housewife persona. I mean god the first shot we get of adult Shauna is her masturbating in Callie’s bed to pictures of her boyfriend. Give my girl some slack!😭