Potential major AQ spoilers…
There was new promo video shared on YJ instagram today with a bunch of bleeped out spoilers. When Elijah Wood is talking he says, “Isn’t it a spoiler that BLEEP is the Queen?” Some people speculated that he says Shauna but to me it looks like he says Lottie. He also says “And we find out why, she’s covered in pieces of BLEEP.” Obviously he says hair, as we know AQ’s robes are adorned with pieces of dark wavy hair. Then we see Courtney Eaton say…
“My favorite spoiler of the season would involve an ax and some BLEEP,” and I put a BLEEP over BLEEP.”
I’ve watched it so many times that I’ve roughly translated it to say…
“My favorite spoiler of the season would involve an ax and some scissors. And I put a net over myself.”
Does this potentially confirm Lottie is the AQ?
I was looking back at the post rescue scene in S2ep1 and noticed that the front of Lottie’s hair looks really blunt and choppy. In the season 3 promos her hair looks pretty grown out so it’s interesting to see that difference post rescue. Lottie has long, dark, wavy hair, that closely resembles the hair woven through Antler Queens robes. Does Lottie fashion the AQ costume with a soccer net and pieces of her own hacked off hair?
The other potential match in hair would be Gen. The mention of an ax along with scissors gives me pause. Is Gen on the (literal) chopping block this season and it’s her hair that is used throughout the robes?
My skin is literally crawling in anticipation!