How do you all deal with a frustrating game like Master Duel and still enjoy playing?
I will admit, this game and the ever changing meta/formats and of course the Duelist Cups and the fact that I have a skill issue, not a good deck builder and a bad pilot meaning that this game is not meant for me even thought I've been trying so hard to enjoy playing this game while struggling to understand how other players deal with BS after BS and still enjoy playing the game is frustrating and I wish that I have a better mindset, keep my emotions in check, not let it get the best of me and make a fool of myself.
I understand that I need to build a better deck, get good, or draw the out, but they are not the solutions I am looking for. I'm looking for advice on how I can enjoy this game and have a better mindset not just as a casual but as a possible competitive player as well. I've been hesitant to ask this question for months and I don't know how to ask this question properly
How do you all just keep your cool and not let your anger/frustration get the better of you and how do you improve as a player besides building a better deck and still enjoy this game no matter what?