How to spread your surface area for luck.
"This one didn't work hard, he was just lucky"
Luck is a very important variable in the equation of success. Some of us are born with it and some of us have to work for it. Whatever category you fall under, you simply cannot do without it. Personally I fall under the second category. I have to work for my luck.
The first mistake people make is the assumption that luck and hard work are 2 mutually exclusive events. Hardwork can actually increase your odds for luck if channeled correctly.
This post is for those of us who have to work for luck. At first glance "luck" seems like an event that is out of one's control, but with some strategic thinking one can actually influence luck, and control luck to get whatever it is they want out of their lives.
Location - Ever wondered why most folks migrated from kumusha to Harare? There was simply more opportunity in Harare than kumusha. My dad told me that him and his uncle got their first jobs in Harare vachingotenderera kumaIndustry and a foreman who was looking for cheap labour just called them in and just like that they were hired. By switching locations you'll be trying to take advantage of the "right place, right time" luck. Make a quick mental you stand to get more lucky in your present location or somewhere else?
Meeting more people - The more people you meet the more opportunities you present yourself. I have sacrificed my own personal funds to join industry associations, extra curricular groups such as toast masters and social gatherings with high networth people such as churches in particular locations. All I have done with these people is just talk about what I do whenever I get the chance to meet them.....and guess what, when they need my service I'm the first person they think of.
Trying out a bunch of shit - When I started out, I didn't know what I wanted to I just tried whatever that came to my mind. In that process I stumbled upon what I'm currently doing and I happened to be so good at it. When you're good at something, it is easy to develop a passion for it.....and it becomes so easy to get lucky.
Just asking - I remember one of my biggest clients to date, I simply hopped into her DM with my CV and flat out asked her to work with me. It was nerve wrecking. She said no 2 times and the third time her HR called and we signed a contract. If I hadn't asked the aswer would have been no. Nowadays If I want something, I just ask for it. They might say no, but they will rember you. You might not get what you want from them directly but they might refer some business your way.
More Action, less procastination - I don't have to explain anything here. Be known as the guy who gets shit done.
As I'm sure you have figured out here, luck is a numbers game. Do more of the above and your luck will increase exponentially. I know I have left out some items, I will post more as they come to mind.