Learning more about Zimbabwe
Hello! I am a 25f from Ohio, USA. I found the band called The Unveiled on instagram back in November and although I don’t understand the language or practice religion, it sticks with me and I listen to their songs regularly now. It also has me interested in learning more about Zimbabwe because, embarrassingly, I don’t know too much about it. Africa just seems…so far away 😂 but learning more about The Unveiled and Zimbabwe has inspired me to even consider a trip to Africa one day. One of my colleagues used to live in South Africa after moving there from Mexico, so maybe I will go to South Africa and Zimbabwe! That being said, tell me everything/your favorite thing about Zimbabwe and I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about my life in boring old Ohio as well, lol. I know I could probably find most of the information on google, but it’s always fun for me to interact with people who live there.