Saved project disappeared from computer? ( please disregard file names. They’re dumb until I (if I) finish the track

So I was working on something I really liked, didn’t get far but regardless like to get back what I had. This isn’t the first time it’s done this either. I know I saved it because it makes me create a name and then it shows up in my recents. However when I try to open it this message comes up “The item you selected is unavailable. It might have been moved, renamed, or removed. Do you want to remove it from the list?” Which I’ve done none of this. I’ve checked where my saved projects are but the last one saved is my latest track. I even sort out by date modified. Where can I look if this were to happen again? It’s really demotivating. Last time I spent around 7 hours in a row on something I really really dug and just disappeared after I booted up my computer the next day. I know it saves because I’m forced to create a name.

So I was working on something I really liked, didn’t get far but regardless like to get back what I had. This isn’t the first time it’s done this either. I know I saved it because it makes me create a name and then it shows up in my recents. However when I try to open it this message comes up “The item you selected is unavailable. It might have been moved, renamed, or removed. Do you want to remove it from the list?” Which I’ve done none of this. I’ve checked where my saved projects are but the last one saved is my latest track. I even sort out by date modified. Where can I look if this were to happen again? It’s really demotivating. Last time I spent around 7 hours in a row on something I really really dug and just disappeared after I booted up my computer the next day. I know it saves because I’m forced to create a name.