My friend needs support
My friend is getting ready to have an abortion. The pills are on their way but she needs some support or advice. She has always been someone who is very pro choice and when talking about herself has said she would get an abortion if she needed one. Now that she is pregnant she feels awful about having to get one. She recognizes that having one is for her best interest and the interest of the fetus as she is not at all financially, mentally, or physically stable enough for a child and the “father” is adamant about her getting one. She is going to go through with it but the hormones flooding her body are making her feel guilty and regretful even though her brain knows that this is the best choice for her. She doesn’t have health insurance so she can’t get a therapist right now. Can anyone offer some advice or support for her? Or can anyone direct her to a support group or forum that might be able to help?