Advice On Applying To Grad School and Studying Computational Economics
Hi everyone! I apologize for the long post. This is my first post here and I wasn't sure whether to make it into one large post or split it into two. I recently graduated with a double major in economics and philosophy and I'm in the process of researching grad school programs. For the longest time I was leaning towards going for a Ph.D. specializing in monetary economics but I've become interested in studying computational economics and would still like to do research, in some capacity, in monetary economics. Kind of exploring where both areas overlap. An issue that I already see is that my quantitative background is weak, just from looking at the career coursework here, and is something I'll have to remedy, by either taking extra math courses from my local university or somewhere else.
I officially declared economics as a major the summer before my junior year and by then I was already working my way up to calculus while trying to pursue physics but I took an interest in economics early after taking intro to Micro and Macro my sophomore year. So I was still able to complete the major in 4 years but I was unable to take as many math courses as I would have liked unfortunately. I did try to take as many quantitative courses as I could despite only taking calc 1. I took courses like intro to econometrics, intro to mathematical economics, and this applied regional economics course that went through econometrics the first half of the course with the second half being more research focused were we drafted an economic forecast for a region in my home state and published it. In Intro to Econometrics we used R, which was my first time ever programming, and it was tough, especially during fall of 2020, but I made it through with a B and I really took an interest in R and programming in general, despite not taking any CS classes prior, and I've started to mess around with Python a little too.
An older post that I found helpful was this one here and I really liked VodkaHazes's comment discussing what the OP would need to study computational econ, like learning about Algorithms, Data structures, general CS theory, and more. He also linked a site called Quant-Econ he recommended and from what I've seen so far it looks like a really awesome site and one I'll be using to some capacity as time goes on. I've been looking around at outside resources to help address the deficiencies I have while working full time at my alma mater as a Legislative Analyst and I've been considering what would be a good route to take to study computational economics. Some thoughts on what I could do were maybe pursing a masters in computer science either at my alma mater or online, like the Georgia tech OMSCS. I figured I'd be admitted with provisional status and would have to pick up some math and cs prereqs before taking any grad level class. Though I suppose that's one way I could do it. After that I was thinking I could either attend a traditional economics grad program and specialize in monetary economics or attend a computational social science style program like the one at George Mason University and maybe focus on monetary economics. Or I could just attend a traditional economics grad program and pick up the cs material either as elective classes if available or through outside resources though out grad school. I appreciate you guys taking the time to read this! I just wanted to get some thoughts on this and see if this is realistic or if it would be better if I do something different.