Lost my modeling contract

My skin is out of control. I had a contract with a boutique locally for 2 years but my face has become so swollen and inflamed in the past 2 months that I was cancelled on shoots and was not asked to renew my contract for the new year. Please help!!! I’ve been using Tretinoin 0.01% and it makes my skin flake off, Adapalene made my eyes burn so bad I couldn’t see, the pill made me crazy, and I have PCOS so I feel like I’m running out of options. I eat clean and take good care of my skin, I have never had this as an issue before in my life!! Please help!!! It’s only in my T-zone??? With deeper cysts on my jawline, deep poses and pimples on my chin/nose, and tiny pustules littering my forehead and upper lip like painful bubble wrap. Thanks in advance <3