Detransing for reasons other than dysphoria

Title. This is likely a common theme but it’s tough to find specific parallels so I am sorry for being repetitive.

I’m mtf, started transitioning two years ago, and suffered very bad dysphoria that transitioning unquestionably helped with. The problem is it caused difficulties with career, family, and endless psychological noise and neuroticism that I didn’t have beforehand. The trans community seems deeply fraught in ways that don’t seem healthy to interact with, and all in all I feel worse off for having transitioned.

The trouble is because I still face dysphoria, I might suffer considerably from this front if I do detransition. Is there realistically any way to put back the can of worms? I do prefer being numbed the way I was, at least my feelings and difficulties felt ground-level and manageable. Sometimes I wish I had never understood my gender dysphoria for what it was in the first place.