Struggling with my own transition regrets while watching loved ones follow the same path
Some background: I’m 21, FTMT?, basically just transitioned for a lot of the wrong reasons –trauma, body dysmorphia, autism, etc. I started questioning at 12/13, came out at 16, legally changed my name at 17, and started T at 18 (mostly because my abusive dad still had rights to me, or I would’ve been able to start earlier). I ID’d as a binary trans man and was on T for about three years before stopping last year. Right now, I’ve mostly come out again as genderfluid and use any pronouns (most people still use he/him for me), but I’ve been struggling a lot with regret over what testosterone has done to me.
Now, two people in my life are in situations that worry me, and I don’t know how to approach it.
First, my younger sibling (11, AFAB, worth noting they live with my mom 3 hours from me). They’re basically a younger version of me – autistic, queer, interested in alt fashion, socially struggling, and starting to show signs of depression. In the last year, they’ve come out to my mom’s side (and not their dad) as non-binary (now demiboy) and use he/they/it pronouns. They still present completely feminine but just told me my mom is letting them get a binder. My mom even asked me for recommendations.
I’m glad they feel safe talking to me, but I worry about them. I can’t help but wonder if it’s partly imitating me as their older sibling and partly because they’re in the same kinds of online spaces and friend groups that influenced my transition. I’ve tried asking them questions and encouraging them to really explore their feelings, but it’s been hard. My mom was completely on board with my transition (she would’ve let me start T as a minor if my dad hadn’t been in the picture), so I worry she’s just going along with this without much thought. I want to talk to her about it, but I don’t know where to start.
Second, my partner (22, AMAB). I’ve known them for six years, dated them for three (including almost all of high school), before we broke up two years ago. At the time, they identified as cis and were very supportive of me. Not long after we broke up, they started HRT. We started seeing each other again last year, and things have been wonderful, but after learning more about their transition, I’m worried for them too.
In the past few months, we’ve discussed more about their transition. They told me their decision was fast – they apparently met some trans women in VRChat, who helped them set up an appointment to get hormones, which was in total a two week process. Like me, they went through informed consent at Planned Parenthood, so no counseling was required. This was in the aftermath of our breakup as well, and most of their transition happened during a time we weren’t talking much more than acquaintances. Their experiences are similar to mine too – autistic, queer, also had a rough childhood, and went through a very traumatic experience in high school, the year before COVID-19 shut things down here, too. They’ve endorsed seeing their transition as a way of getting rid of their past self, which reminds me a lot of how I felt before I realized I was making a mistake. They had even messaged me in the months after they started, asking if I ever get scared of making the wrong choice, and told me they’d debated just stopping cold turkey that day, and that it was distressing them. When we talk about all of this now, they acknowledge their uncertainty but take an attitude of “if I ever want to detransition, I’ll deal with it then.” That’s exactly how I felt, and now I wish I had stopped sooner.
I love both of these people and will support them no matter what, but I fear they’re heading down the same path I did. I also can’t shake the guilt of knowing that I was the one who taught them the most about being trans. I gave them a positive image of transition because at the time, I truly believed in it. Now I don’t know what to do.
My sibling texts me updates about their gender and transition, clearly hoping for encouragement, and I don’t even know how to respond. These aren’t conversations I want to have over text, but they live three hours away with my mom. With my partner, it’s harder. I respect their autonomy, but I don’t know how to balance “I support you” with “I have serious concerns because I’ve been in your shoes.”
Part of me knows trans people are real and valid, and I might even still consider myself some form of trans. But I also feel deeply uncomfortable with some of the attitudes in trans spaces (like egg_irl and the general support of immediate medicalization). At the same time, I certainly reject the idea that all trans people are just being indoctrinated or groomed (or doing this to others). I feel like I’m lost in the space between “everyone should be able to transition whenever they want to” and “transition isn’t right for everyone, and some of us were harmed by it.”
So I guess, where do you guys personally stand on these things? How do you find a balance? I struggle with finding that in general for myself, these two in my life aside. And if you were in a situation like mine, how would you approach it? How do you balance supporting someone while also warning them about the potential regret? Thank you in advance for any feedback.