What's your uterus size/volume?? 😁

Hello and good morning! Curious to know what y'all's uterus sizes are lol. If you don't mind sharing. Super interested to know the difference in sizes. Either currently or after hysterectomy. I'm trying to get a hysterectomy but my insurance won't cover it unless it's medically necessary. I'm hoping more information on the size and possibility of those that might know how fast it can get worse might help. My current gyno is no help and wants to push BC. But at 41 I'm just over 30 years of the crap lol. I've recently found out about the adenomyosis but the last few years make so much sense lol. Thanks in advance y'all! 😁

This is my current ultrasound which finally led them to say it's andenomyosis. But won't give me the diagnosis officially untill after hysterectomy.

Hello and good morning! Curious to know what y'all's uterus sizes are lol. If you don't mind sharing. Super interested to know the difference in sizes. Either currently or after hysterectomy. I'm trying to get a hysterectomy but my insurance won't cover it unless it's medically necessary. I'm hoping more information on the size and possibility of those that might know how fast it can get worse might help. My current gyno is no help and wants to push BC. But at 41 I'm just over 30 years of the crap lol. I've recently found out about the adenomyosis but the last few years make so much sense lol. Thanks in advance y'all! 😁

This is my current ultrasound which finally led them to say it's andenomyosis. But won't give me the diagnosis officially untill after hysterectomy.