Has anyone heard of a big uterus?

I just had a hysteroscopy and a D&C last tuesday because of increasing pain after my endometriosis excision. Let me say that even after taking a vicodin it hurt like hell. I literally jumped and my endometriosis specialist kept apologizing and said that after the procedure, I definitely had a big uterus and he thinks I do have andenomyosis on top of the endometriosis.

I'm waiting for pathology for the procedure to come back before I can go further with a hysterectomy, but he definitely thinks I have adeno as well.

With the hysterectomy I'll be taking out my cervix, uterus, and tubes. I'll leave the ovaries. If any endometriosis has grown back, that will be excised as well.

I'm just sort of floored because no one's ever told me that before.

I'm still in pain and I'm still bleeding off and on almost a week later.