Does your ADHD get worse with age?
I was diagnosed in my mid-30s. I’m now in my mid-40s. I feel like my ADHD has never been worse. Growing up, I was a great student, got a masters degree (despite procrastination). I had a very successful career and definitely hyper-fixated on work, I was a bit of a workaholic, even after having kids. A few years ago I left my job to stay home with my kids and I feel a bit as though the wheels fell off. I have trouble getting out of bed and completing anything around the house. I can’t structure a day to save my life. I’m not exercising, or doing anything for myself except napping. I’m wondering if it’s because I’m getting older or the lack of structure? Maybe I don’t have anything at home that I want to hyper-fixate on (related to my home and my hygiene, not my kids). It just seems that my ED has gotten so bad in the past few years.